Commissioning Fellowship
Commissioning is a two-year program that helps 7th and 8th graders understand what it means to be disciples of Christ and what it means to be a part of the church family at Trinity.
In small group settings the 7th graders spend the year learning about the major stories of the Bible. The 8th graders learn about the basic tenets of the Christian faith as outlined in the Apostle's Creed and about the unique characteristics of the Presbyterian tradition.
Learning to apply the Christian faith is a major focus of our program. We also learn about basic spiritual disciplines such as prayer and the devotional reading of the Bible. Commissioning also serves as a time for our 7th and 8th graders to get to know one another better through monthly fellowship events, in addition to the Wednesday evening meetings. We always make sure to have some fun while we learn about what it means to be a Christian in today's world.
The Junior High/Commissioning group goes on a retreat in September and also has a variety of monthly fellowship and outreach activities.
Mixers and Mission- Grades 6-12
Please join us once a month for fun, fellowship, and mission work. We begin each meet-up with lunch at Trinity after church and a time of fellowship. Lunch is followed by a mission activity such as the Crop Walk, visiting a senior home or making lunches for Cathedral Kitchen in Camden. Check Work and Worship or Tidings for dates. We hope you will join us!