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Our Pastors

Senior Pastor, The Rev. Dr. Greg Faulkner

Email: gregory.faulkner@trinpres.org


Greg Faulkner was born and raised in Alabama and attended The University of Alabama (Roll Tide!), but has lived in New Jersey for the last 27 years. Dr. Faulkner came to NJ to study at Princeton Theological Seminary and after earning the Master of Divinity and Master of Theology degree, he pursued doctoral studies in the History of Doctrine, where he focused on the worship tradition of Christianity. Greg has been our Senior Pastor/Head of Staff since 2007. When he is not serving our congregation through preaching, teaching and pastoral care, Rev. Faulkner enjoys searching for used theological books, going to Walt Disney World and spending time with his wife, Melanie, and their daughter, Caroline Grace. When asked about his life at Trinity, Dr. Faulkner said: "My deepest joy in serving Christ comes from spending time with people; having the people of our church family welcome me into their lives--in good times and bad times--continues to inspire me. For me, our faith in God must continually be renewed by prayer and learning--this great congregation continues to be a wonderful place for our spiritual and intellectual lives to be enriched as we worship, study and serve together.”

Associate Pastor, The Rev. Ms. Sarah Craven 

Email: sarah.craven@trinpres.org

Sarah grew up in New Orleans and has lived in Texas, Virginia, and Missouri before moving to New Jersey. One of her most formative years was when she served as a Young Adult Volunteer for the PCUSA in Northern Ireland. Sarah attended Union Presbyterian Seminary where she received her Master of Divinity and Christian Education in 2012. Sarah enjoys working in a variety of capacities within the church, her main focuses are Christian Education, Mission and Outreach, and Presbyterian Women.  She loves that no two days of the week are the same. In her spare time, Sarah loves to travel and experience new cultures. She loves old movies and British TV. She is also an avid New York Mets fan and is happy the church doesn't hold that against her.

Associate Pastor, Ms. Emma Gritsch
Email: emma@trinpres.org

Our newest member of the pastoral team is Emma Gritsch, who came to Trinity in March 2024. Emma is a 2023 graduate of Union Theological Seminary, where she received a Master of Divinity with a concentration in psychology and religion. She first felt called to the ministry in high school while helping her associate pastor lead a middle school youth group. At her home church in northern New Jersey, Emma served as a Sunday school teacher, confirmation mentor, youth group leader, deacon, ruling elder, and a Young Adult Advisory Delegate to the General Assembly.

During her final two years of seminary, Emma served as an intern at a church in New York City, where some highlights included spending time with children during the children’s prayer, leading the college ministry program, and teaching classes. Emma is passionate about supporting people of all ages wherever their faith journey takes them. She prays that she can serve as a pastor to whom people can turn in times of struggle and times of joy.


