Trinity Church School
All Church School classes are held in our main building on
the lower level.
The Room for the
NURSERY will stay the same.
Room 6 will be for 2 ½ year olds to
Room 4 will be for grades 1 - 3.
Room 3 will
be for grades 4 - 6.
We invite you and your children to participate. Our new programs enhance family worship, connect the children to Trinity’s mission programs, and keep our children engaged and committed to their religious education.
1st Sunday of Every Month: Mission Sunday
Each Mission Sunday, grade school-age children will meet for a joint lesson and activity. They will be taught a Bible story or lesson that will focus on service. The lesson will be followed by a mission-related activity such as making cards for shut-ins or sandwiches for Cathedral Kitchen, or joining in a mission activity being run by the Mission Committee.
2nd Sunday of Every Month: Family Church
Pastor Sarah will lead families in worship in the Community Room in a relaxed, casual atmosphere that will allow families to grow their faith together. Parents and extended families are welcome! (Come to the Community Room by 9:30am and plan on staying with your child(ren) for the service). Children of all ages are welcome!
3rd Sunday of Every Month: Church School
All children will participate in a traditional church school lesson in their respective classrooms.
4th Sunday: Let’s Worship Together
Grade school children will attend worship in the sanctuary with their parents. This is an important step in their journey to becoming members of Trinity and will allow for interaction among the generations. In the future, these 4th Sunday worship services may sometimes include a brief children-oriented component, such as a “Children’s Message” or children leading a reading, song or prayer.
Important Notes:
• In months with a 5th Sunday, children will have a traditional Church School lesson on the 5th Sunday.
• Except for the 4th Sunday, Elementary-age children will report directly to that week’s activity.
• Release of Children: Children will be released into the care of a parent or other designated adult. We will release a child to an older sibling only with parental consent.
• Please let us know if your child has any food allergies.
Church School for pre-K through Kindergarten takes place in Room 6 under the sanctuary.
On the second Sunday of each month, children in this age group participate with their families in Family Church in the Community Room. Children learn about God through the reading of Bible stories, simple art projects, music, and movement.
Release of Children: Children will be released into the care of a parent or other designated adult. We will release a child to an older sibling only with parental consent.
Please let us know if your child has any food allergies.
NURSERY CARE: Birth—2 Years
The nursery is under the supervision of adult volunteers. It is equipped with its own rest room and changing table as well as age-appropriate toys.
Sign-in Sheet: Please complete the sign-in sheet before leaving your child with the child care worker and list any special instructions.
Personal Diaper Bag: Bring diapers, bottles, snacks, etc., in a diaper bag clearly labeled with your child’s name.
Snacks and Food Allergies: Please tell us if your child has food allergies.