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We’re glad to baptize your child at Trinity!

Baptism by the Book of Order:

According to the Book of Order W-2.3014: “parent(s) shall be an active member of the congregation. The session may also consider a request for the baptism of a child from a Christian parent who is an active member [as defined by the local church] of another congregation. If the session approves such a request, it shall consult with the governing body of the other congregation and shall notify them when the Sacrament has been administered.”

Active membership is characterized by participating in the worship of the congregation and supporting the congregation through time, talent and treasure. A child's baptism will be recommended for Session approval once the church membership status of his or her parents has been ascertained. Parents must then meet with Rev. Faulkner. During that time you will discuss why Presbyterians believe baptism to be a sacrament according to our reformed theological heritage, and what is said about baptism in the Bible. You will also have a chance to ask any questions about the service of baptism.

If you would like to have sponsors stand with you on the day of baptism, those sponsors must also be baptized Christians.

Baptism Day Schedule:

Before the worship service: Meet the elder assigned to you and your sponsors in the Hospitality Room by 9:15 am. Copies of the Order of Worship, Baptism Service and your child’s baptism certificate will be available in the Hospitality Room. Please familiarize yourself with both service booklets. Before the service begins, you will be escorted to the front row of the sanctuary on the lectern/organ side.

During the service: If you must leave the sanctuary to attend to your child’s needs (diaper change, etc.) before the baptism service begins, use the exit at the front of the sanctuary. Following the sermon, you will be escorted to the chancel, be presented to the congregation and respond to the questions in the baptism service.

After the service: You may take your child to the nursery after the baptism service. The nursery and toddler rooms are located in the lower level of the church building.

Questions about the baptism process? Please contact Alysia Badskey.

Adult Baptism:

Trinity baptizes adults who have not been baptized at another Christian church. We believe a person only needs to be baptized once. So whether one has been baptized at a Catholic, Baptist or Methodist congregation, we believe it to be a true baptism.
