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Stewardship is the responsibility to maintain and use wisely the gifts that God has bestowed on us to take care of His Creation.

At Trinity, there are many opportunities to practice stewardship: sing in the choir, teach church school, help with Sunday morning coffee hour, join in some of the many mission and outreach projects, or become active in one of the women's or men's groups.

Whatever form your participation takes—money, time, or talent—stewardship is essentially a spiritual exercise, an issue of faith development expressed in generosity and commitment to supporting Christ's work in the world.

One of the most tangible ways of practicing faithful stewardship is through monetary offerings. And we ask you to pledge annually to help us build a budget that will support ongoing mission and expenses.

Supporting Our Vision

Over 80% of our operating funds go directly toward supporting key elements of our vision, including worship, serving others and life-long learning. The remainder covers administrative costs in support of the day to day operations of the church.

The Finance & Stewardship committee of Session oversees the annual budgeting process and ensures that funds are deployed in the most effective manner to fulfill our vision. The annual budget is approved by Session and presented to the congregation.

Remember Trinity in Your Will

Just as we are indebted to those who have gone before us, so, too, should we provide for the future of the Church. Trinity's Endowment Committee can help you navigate this process.

There are many good reasons to write a will, and one of them is to leave a memorial to remind future generations of what God has done for us and help them grow in their faith. As part of your estate plan, please consider providing for ministries that were important to you in life. If you are interested in including Trinity in your will, please contact the church office for more information.
